Minnesota Wisconsin Simple Church Network
Here is a site dedicated to the exploration and sharing of information and resources regarding simple expressions of the Body of Christ* in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
We would like to provide a resource list of people who are practicing simple** church. This information will be limited in public pages, but more information will be made available for registered users of the site.
Here is where you can chat with administrators who are signed into their gmail accounts.
* the video is a production of Karis Publishing. This website is not officially affiliated with Karis or DAWN ministries.
** note: the term 'simple' church is only one designation of groups who may prefer to call themselves 'house church', 'organic church' or something similar.
Comments (2)
Brian Roberts said
at 8:51 am on Oct 8, 2009
Hey Trey, cool start to the site. I can say that I believe God is moving in many followers hearts to branch out into this type of church method. I wish I could tell everyone that part of my personal motivation to try this wasn't because I have been disappointed with what I have experiences as a Christian and a pastor, but it was. At least in part it was. But a larger part, and an ever growing part in my heart, is that I truly want to see a work of God in peoples lives. (standing on soap box now) Let's just skip the part where I get on the soap box about the methods of the church all together, it's all been said before anyway (just stepped off of the soap box) So...let's just see what happens when all of the programs, the buildings, the man made religious activities, the man made philosophies on how to do church are put by the way side and we just seek after, and follow Jesus. He is more than capable of leading His church, I'm going to let Him try for a while. I am still un-learning church, and re-introducing myself to my Savior. Anyone else want to shake His hand again, for the first time?
Trey Turner said
at 11:01 am on Oct 8, 2009
I will respond publicly that I am unlearning some things too. Frank Viola in From Eternity to Here talks about going through the wilderness. The wilderness cannot be avoided, but you don't have to live there. John the Baptist called people out into the wilderness. God leads you through the wilderness. Apostle Paul detoxed in the wilderness of Arabia then went to Syria and was a brother in church for three years. Enjoy a short time with the Lord in the wilderness til he brings you home. I am afraid there are too many who have left the world system of Egypt... the religious machine of Babylon, and gotten stuck in the wilderness. Frank says, you can have your bones bleached out in the wilderness and die there. Lord, bring people to the end of themselves then help us to see them to their new home.
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